HOWTO.troubleshooting-rss2 Revision -------- 0.2 2017-09-03 Basic troubleshooting notes =========================== Although boards are very robust it's still electronics. Optical inspection ------------------- Check for visible damages on the board. Good eyes our a magnifying loupe will help. Damages can be caused by inductive overvoltage, lightning damages etc. Dust and dirt on the main board can be cleaned with isopropanol and a toothbrush. However, the temp/RH SHT25 chip on the meteorological daughter card should neither be exposed to isopropanol nor any other chemicals. Board is described: Heat sensing ------------ Check the RSS2 board for short circuits. This can be done using the the 6-pin USB-TTL FTDI- cable, which has a built-in current limit of about 150mA. Connect power and sense with fingers if any component gets warm or hot. Most likely this will be the MCU or the voltage regulator, both on the front side of the board. Measuring ---------- Check the operating voltage using a multimeter/voltmeter between GND (pin 1) and VCC (pin 3) on the 6-pin connector located on the front side of the board, with a USB-TTL FTDI cable connected. the voltage should be around 3V. Reprogram boot loader --------------------- If the board has correct operating voltage and everything else seems to be in order, you can try to re-program the bootloader. An Atmel ISP programmer is needed, e.g the AVRISP MkII AVR Dragon is a newer a more availble alternative: The programmer is connected to the 6 pin connector on the board and your computer. The bootlodader can be downloaded from: A script for replashing bootlaoder holds the commands. You need to edit script to set used programmer etc. Thanks ------ Bjorn Pehrson for document suggestions and improvements